Our Mission
Every raptor has a tale and we are here to share it.
Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and release raptors.
We accept injured and orphaned raptors from members of the public, local police, State Police, Fire, Animal Control, Mass Audubon, MassWildlife, DCR and
Environmental Police.
We also receive patients requiring long-term care from local Wildlife Clinics. We receive birds of prey that are suffering from serious injuries. Common examples are being hit by vehicles, shot, caught in netting or fishing line, poisoned (lead), secondary rodenticide toxicosis, window strikes, stuck in glue, snap traps, or leg hold traps, orphaned, electrocuted, parasites, and many other life threatening injuries.
Medical management is costly. All expenses are paid for out-of-pocket and through donations. We provide balanced diets, supportive care, strict housing requirements, and travel expenses for our patients. We also offer educational outreach programs to surrounding communities.
Please contact us for more details.
Raptor Tales Rescue is a Veteran run volunteer wildlife rehabilitation facility located in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts.
Please note we only accept birds of prey, such as Raptors, Hawks, Owls, Eagles, Falcons and Vultures

If your animal in need is not a raptor please click here to be directed to resources that can help you